La la la heading to Boulder!
Alright people! I want to say a huge GRACIAS and SPACEBO (thank you in Russian) to everyone who has contributed to this production in all ways, shapes, and forms. I am off to Boulder tomorrow to knock their socks off (chacos - whatever!) and I feel great about the show!
I've been getting my little rear end in gear with marketing stuff, costumes, props, tech details, breathing, swimming, naps, and rehearsals! I ready to go. Just got the last critical detail worked out with housing - thank you GREG!! If anyone is into some groovy gypsy music, check out for some great tunes.
I've decided to pack mostly in baskets because, I don't know, it just feels better to me!! Wonder if I could do that on an airplane with a live chicken.... they do it in Russia.... why not in the good ol' US of A? My actual prefered mode of transportation would be something much slower.... like a donkey or a pack goat or something. More on that later.
I love you people!
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